Geetanjali Bhushan: Giving Up Is Not an Option

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By Anna Stolley Persky
January 22, 2018

Geetanjali Bhushan 美国民主党在全美50个州和80多个国家都有成员.C. Bar正在开始一个常规功能来介绍组成我们社区的人. 阅读你的同龄人,他们的生活,他们在世界各地的工作.

Geetanjali Bhushan从她职业生涯的曲折中知道,生活并不总是按照最好的计划进行.


Certainly, Bhushan, founder and chief executive officer of Solstrat Solutions, has had her share of successes. 她在法律上有效地代表了美国和印度的客户, government affairs, and business matters.

But some of Bhushan’s career decisions did not pan out. At all. 在成为一名靠谱的滚球平台之前,布珊认为她会进入印度行政服务部门. That didn’t work out.

“我经常把自己比作那些爬上墙的小蚂蚁,”布尚说. “They climb the wall. They fall. They climb again. They fall again. 他们一次又一次地摔倒,但最终他们爬上了那堵墙. That’s me.”


在讨论她的失败和成功时,布珊流露出自信和快乐. 作为Solstrat Solutions的负责人,Bhushan为公司在美国的商业环境中导航提供建议.S. and India. 她的咨询公司帮助企业瞄准并获得政府的商业激励方案.

“My firm helps companies grow and expand in the U.S.,” says Bhushan.

Bhushan was born in India, the youngest of six daughters. Her parents had high expectations for their children. “我的父亲和母亲计划让我们都能接受良好的教育, and they were very keen on us coming to the U.S. to study,” says Bhushan. “They had plans, big dreams.”


“父亲去世后,一切都变了,母亲不得不适应,”布尚说. “我的母亲突然不得不独自抚养六个女儿,而当时女孩并不受靠谱的滚球平台. 因此,送女孩出国留学成了一个遥远的梦想.”

尽管如此,Bhushan还是能够获得大学和大学后的学位. 她在德里大学获得了文学学士和历史学硕士学位. 在决定攻读法律学位之前,她尝试了一些职业选择,游历了一些地方.

“我最初不希望成为一名靠谱的滚球平台,因为, at the time, many believed that law was not a good career for women,” says Bhushan. “但那时,我觉得这是我唯一的选择,所以我去了法学院.”

Bhushan graduated from the University of Kanpur in 1996. 她被允许在印度、纽约和最近的哥伦比亚特区执业.

Bhushan的职业生涯始于印度中央政府常务顾问的诉讼靠谱的滚球平台, 在转变方向和Luthra一起进入企业实践之前 & Luthra Law Offices in New Delhi. 当时,有传言称印度法律市场将向外国靠谱的滚球平台开放. 布珊决定,如果她去美国,她可能会“占上风”.S. to pursue an LL.M. The plan was to get a law firm job in the U.S.他说,他将在印度行医几年,然后带着一个新的美国靠谱的滚球平台网络回到印度.S. contacts in place.

In addition, 布珊最近失去了母亲,她想实现父母出国留学的梦想.

“我相信我的母亲会对这个决定感到高兴. I told my sisters that I wanted to study in the U.S., and they said ‘excellent decision,’” says Bhushan. “没有他们的支持,我不可能做出任何选择. My sisters are my safety net. And my mother, even now, I can feel her watching over me.”

Bhushan earned her LL.2004年获得乔治敦大学法律中心国际法律研究硕士学位. 但是,在那之后,事情并没有按照她的计划进行. Bhushan could not find a law firm job. 然而,她不愿意在没有经验的情况下回到印度. Because Bhushan had learned how to network, she found employment, just not the type she had anticipated. She ended up at the Alliance for U.S. India Business, a startup she helped establish in the U.S. and India.

As vice president for programs and operations, Bhushan created alliances with law firms, public relations companies, and other industry associations. 她代表印度和美国游说国会和印度立法者.S. companies on a range of economic issues, 例如有关隐私问题和移民改革的立法.

“I enjoyed my work,” says Bhushan. “直到我开始这份工作,我才意识到我是一个喜欢人际交往的人. This country has also changed me. 我过去很容易被人吓倒,但现在不会了.”

2010年,布山回到印度,在政府事务中工作, 在那里,她不得不“忘记”在美国学到的一切.S. about practicing law. 例如,Bhushan说,很多时间是在美国度过的.S. teaching lawyers to write concisely. 但在印度,信件就“冗长而详细”.”

回到印度几年后,Bhushan决定她准备回到美国.S.她决心再一次为自己在华盛顿找到一席之地.C. area. 在建立自己公司的同时,她还为靠谱的滚球平台事务所做合同工作,包括文件审查. 总部位于新德里的Solstrat Solutions在华盛顿特区也设有办事处.C.

“帮助企业获得国家激励方案让我很兴奋. 我喜欢让各邦相互竞争,提供最好的待遇。. “While I’m confident my business will succeed, I also know that if it didn’t work out, I would just pick myself up and start something new.

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