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作者:Anna Stolley Persky

赫伯特•杜宾After graduating from Brooklyn College, 赫伯特•杜宾 didn’t know what he wanted to do. “I went to law school in Brooklyn to delay the decision of going into the military—there was a draft at the time—or doing something else in my life,他回忆道.

现在77, Dubin has been in solo practice since 1983 and serves as a mentor to less experienced attorneys. 当了这么多年的诉讼靠谱的滚球平台, 罗克维尔市的, Maryland-based attorney says he still loves the different challenges of practicing law.

Dubin graduated from Brooklyn Law School and is a longtime member of both the District of Columbia 酒吧 and the Maryland 酒吧. 他是民主党的成员.C. 酒吧 法律道德 Committee and the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission Peer Review Panels.


I became a solo practitioner in 1983 and have been working on my own ever since. Because of my experience as a prosecutor for the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Civil Aeronautics 董事会, 我负责联邦和州刑事辩护. I also defend clients in administrative agency hearings and complex business litigation. I handle divorce cases, estate litigation, and automobile accidents. I defend attorneys who have had grievances filed against them. 多年来, I have defended a number of government personnel who were being prosecuted for ethics violations.


I finished law school [in 1964 after] two and a half years, and then I stumbled upon a job at the Interstate Commerce Commission. 我从来没听说过, 我从来没听说过交通法, but at that time it paid better than what the private industry was paying for someone just coming out of law school. We had a child on the way so getting a stable income was important.

I didn’t love my first job, which was decision writing. Instead of clerking for a single judge, you wrote for all the different commissioners. There was always layer upon layer of review of your work. 我总是不断地重写. I learned from the job how to respond to the requirements of multiple bosses.

但后来我找到了自己喜欢的领域——诉讼. I liked it better because there was a lot more variety and freedom in my work. 我留在局里,负责起诉案件. 我们搬到了芝加哥. 我总是有工作要做. This was before the government established the Department of Transportation so we were in charge of prosecuting safety violations for the entire Midwest.

我在华盛顿特区开了一家私人诊所.C., because I found places that were willing to pay me more money, and I wanted new challenges. I eventually ended up at a big law firm that imploded, and so I became a solo practitioner in 1983. At that point, I had lots of experience practicing law and especially litigating cases.

What is your advice to new lawyers thinking about starting their careers as solo practitioners?

There are many lawyers out there who hang out a shingle and yet have no clue what they are doing. 如果可以的话,先积累经验. Get a job with a firm, a government agency, a corporation. Find a place where you will get the mentoring you need and where you can learn the basics they don’t teach you in law school, like get a stamped receipt when you file something with the court. 通过这样做, you will greatly reduce your stress when you do go out on your own because you won’t get frustrated by not knowing things that only experience teaches you.

If you can’t get a job where you can get mentoring and experience, 然后找一个能指导你的人. Find someone who can give you advice on things like watching your deadlines and the do’s and don’ts of trust accounting. 我指导年轻的靠谱的滚球平台,并乐在其中. There are so many new attorneys who are unhappy because practicing law is not what they thought it would be and who are frustrated because they don’t have guidance. I like helping them, so they are less frustrated and better able to enjoy the practice of law.


我的生活很平衡. Unless I am in the middle of a trial, I don’t work on weekends. It is not necessary to work all the time and practice law. 我是健身爱好者. 我游泳和旋转. 我和妻子教残疾人游泳. 我们也经常旅行.

The best advice I can give other lawyers is to make sure you have balance in your lives. Find something that you enjoy doing outside of practicing law and do it. Do what you need to do to keep yourself from getting burned out.



我有个孙子在西班牙, so sometimes we think about me retiring and then we would live part-time in Spain. 与此同时,我在这里做靠谱的滚球平台.
